Mini World Experimentation

For this experiment, we were tasked with creating mini world edits from landscape photographs using photoshop.

Design one

For this first mini world, I used a photo of a city and using the effect polar coordinates I was able to turn it from a flat, horizontal landscape to a circular, mini world.

I like this design as the colours make me think of a galaxy which links well with the whole experiment being about mini worlds.

Design two

For this second design, I selected another photograph of a cityscape and using the polar coordinates effect I transformed it into a mini world.

This is my favourite design as the landscape has transitioned it the shape of the mini world so well and it actually reminds of a tiny planet.

Design three

For my final mini world design, I chose a photo of a tree reflecting in a lake and with the use of the polar coordinates effect I turned it into a mini world.

One thing that I like about this design is that the tree is the only thing on the mini world meaning it is the only thing you will focus on.

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